
Showing posts from April, 2015

My first short (student) film begins production tomorrow: A few notes as I begin production....

As my first student film nears the production phase, I’ve got much to celebrate. Hopefully, this short update will help out. First off, I’ve got the cast: the cast will be mostly made up of DVC students at this point. Without ado the cast are as follows: Robert Black will play the role of the male protagonist Trent, Cassie Moronez will be the female protagonist of Chloe, Alexander Patrick will play the role of Brad, Trent’s roommate, and Lindsay Nicole Perino will play the role of Jessica the waitress. Second, the script is LOCKED and has been approved and we are doing our first table read Monday. We might do the read-through twice just to have the actors get familiar to the characters they will be playing. Third: Locations. We currently have four of our five locations. We are waiting for one final one. Fourth: the date of filming. I shared the dates with my producer/production assistant and production will begin this Wednesday, April 29th and will continue until n...

My first BIG NEWS ever (and this blog's only three months old)!!!

I’m making my first film. Well, it’s a student film, but you gotta start somewhere. For a while now, I’ve been in the works of writing a screenplay for a short film that I’m making for my film production class. When I wrote my first draft, I had a working title. I won’t tell you the title of it just yet because the title itself was generic. I knew it was a generic title. I even knew long before the teacher and a few friends gave me feedback with the first question being “Can you change the title?” Then I began writing my second draft over spring break. It got stronger, but it’s not 100% there yet. But then something hit me. I have found the perfect title of my short film. I wrote it down quick on a copy of my first draft so I wouldn’t forget it: my first draft still uses the old title while the current draft uses the new title. The title met its approval , and now I’m revealing it. The title of my first feature (albeit) short film is….drum roll please…. “Unexpected Det...