My first BIG NEWS ever (and this blog's only three months old)!!!
I’m making my first film. Well, it’s a student film, but you gotta start somewhere. For a while now, I’ve been in the works of writing a screenplay for a short film that I’m making for my film production class. When I wrote my first draft, I had a working title. I won’t tell you the title of it just yet because the title itself was generic. I knew it was a generic title. I even knew long before the teacher and a few friends gave me feedback with the first question being “Can you change the title?” Then I began writing my second draft over spring break. It got stronger, but it’s not 100% there yet. But then something hit me. I have found the perfect title of my short film. I wrote it down quick on a copy of my first draft so I wouldn’t forget it: my first draft still uses the old title while the current draft uses the new title. The title met its approval , and now I’m revealing it. The title of my first feature (albeit) short film is….drum roll please…. “Unexpected Det...