He Named Me Malala (Movie Review)

HE NAMED ME MALALA Release Date: October 2, 2015 (Limited), October 9, 2015 (Wide) Starring: Malala Yousafzi Genre: Documentary Rating: PG-13 (for thematic elements involving disturbing images and threats) Running time: 87 minutes Malala Yousafzai, the young girl from the Pakastani Swat Valley area, is the primary focus of Davis Guggheim’s latest documentary. She was the girl that was shot in the head by the Taliban for daring to suggest that women should be allowed to go to school and have a chance at a descent education. She survived the assassination attempt, but suffered permanent damage to the left side of her face. The movie does work as a documentary, and it’s an important one that everyone should see, but it feels to me that it only scratches the surface of the context. The movie’s title “He Named Me Malala” has both a influential and political meaning: her father named her Malalai who, from Afghan folk lore, rallied the locals into fighting t...